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Full Version: 1993 Concert Audio - Cedarburg, WI
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Cedarburg Cultural Center
Cedarburg, WI 2/12/1993 Audio only


Songs: Why It Kills Us to Compromise, Nothing Sweeter than Sin, Jacques Cousteau, Recovery, Dirty Hands, Dirty Faces, It's My Job, Empty Hearts, White House Pet, My Old Yellow Car, Company Man, Ain't Dis Da Life, Unconditionally, That's That, Back in the Lone Ranger Days, The Last One Singing the Blues, Love is a Cross, Roller Coaster Run (Up Too Slow, Down Too Fast), Bristlecone Pine, Drops of Water, The Moon is Still Over Her Shoulder, Give Me Wings, Got You Covered, Bluer Than Blue, Rooty Toot Toot for the Moon
Beautiful. How many more of these have you got up your sleeve? Each one I hear builds on the last and I feel sad that I never got a chance to see him live. Well I can satisfy myself with these. Keep it up, Cindy. You affect so many lives with these treasures.
Cindy, another suggestion if you could. If you have Michael's Orchestra Hall 12/26/95 concert on hand I would love to see that one sometime. Maybe once you have your new laptop??? Very much appreciated.