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07-12-2024, 12:44 PM
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07-11-2024, 06:15 PM
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Feb 1966 concert - audio ...
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  Alison Krauss Ghost in this House
Posted by: rhest - 01-29-2020, 03:37 AM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (2)

I laughed at Alison Krauss' intro to this tune, and thought others might enjoy it too. 

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  1982 Concert Review
Posted by: Cindy M - 01-28-2020, 02:33 AM - Forum: mjblue.com Updates - No Replies

February 4, 1982 concert review added at https://mjblue.com/conrev3.html

Along with accompanying newspaper photo:

[Image: 82iowa.jpg]

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  More MJ/Mark/Mary songs - YT Audio
Posted by: Cindy M - 01-26-2020, 05:16 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - Replies (8)

I thought I had put all these up a while back but, nope.
If I Could Only Win Your Love was added yesterday and Give Me Time a couple days before that. Links below.

The Time to Live and He Gives Us All His Love will be put up this week.

A demo tape made by the them with one MJ solo.

From: https://www.mjblue.com/bletters.html
Sanskrit has bought the first album from Atco and will be re-releasing it March 1, and in the meantime Johnson is working on new material for a third album. During the breather before returning to the concert trail in March, he was working with entertainer Mark Henley, his next door neighbor, and singer Mary MacGregor, who also are charges of Projects IV, on a three-person act. They wanted to explore their group potential. But earlier this month after playing an opening date at Charlotte's Web in Rockford, Ill., they decided the trio wasn't clicking and will continue their individual careers.

The complete list is: 

Piney Wood Hill (Buffy Sainte-Marie) https://youtu.be/Pk62KqaD4uY
Everyone Tuesday (Mark Henley) https://youtu.be/-2xn7DYZlAg
Bad Roads in Spring (Richard Pinney) https://youtu.be/s5L41Rf9xMw
If I Could Only Win Your Love (Ira & Charlie Louvin) https://youtu.be/jWPqteqciKw
Motherlode (Richard Pinney) https://youtu.be/EIaLvX8w-VA
The Time to Live (Buzzy Linhart)
Give Me Time (Ted Sherman) https://youtu.be/Npv-CsRlV9o
Daddy Was A Mover (Mitchell F Jayne, Rodney Dillard) https://youtu.be/bOSgRfW0buY
He Gives Us All His Love (Randy Newman)
I Will (Lennon & McCartney) https://youtu.be/DM8jDB3Rw_Y

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  Bluer Than Blue Guitar Lesson
Posted by: Cindy M - 01-25-2020, 01:06 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (2)

Came across this on youtube:


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Posted by: Cindy M - 01-21-2020, 01:32 AM - Forum: MJ YouTube - No Replies

Last of the There Is A Breeze demos: See You Soon, written by brother Paul Johnson
He starts with the first few notes of Old Folks


Next: A Dream Within a Dream. Co-writer Jim Varsos (Hobo Jim) emailed me asking if I had this so this is for him. He said he hadn't heard it in years and it was the second song they wrote together (the first was "The Line").


Lastly: Closer to You. Written by Thom Schuyler, who also wrote My Old Yellow Car, People Still Fall in Love and co-writer of Life's a Bitch.
Home Demo '88


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  Carl Franzen Writing!
Posted by: Cindy M - 01-14-2020, 05:44 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (1)

Carl Franzen (On The Road fame) has published a short story. Here is the preface and cover image:

When I was little there was something my mother did that was befuddling. She’d get a letter in the mail and then let me know things that weren’t written in the letter. “How do you know?” I asked. 
She said, “You have to read between the lines.” 

Hmm. I wondered as I disapproved slightly. Why wouldn’t the person who wrote the letter put the words in the letter? Was she telling secrets? I never really answered the question. But the picture of me staring at those handwritten letters, with blue ink on crinkly writing paper, trying to see the magic words appear, remains. 

Before you begin to read these pages, let me first tell you what this was. It started as an email to my sister, now the late Joanne Grueskin, the first woman elected to the city council in Sioux City, Iowa. I wanted to tell her about a night in St. Peter, Minnesota where I had gone to see Michael Johnson in concert. I knew she’d be curious and could have written the basics, leaving it at that. But once I got started it was too difficult to call a halt to the process. To be fair, this is not completely about Michael. He is the permission, forming the bookends; the preface.

In between are stories of my concoction, and the not-so-frivolousmention of automobiles that allowed me to skip from page to page. The result is long enough for a chapbook, although I wouldn’t mind if you call it a letter. But not the kind my mother would get in the mail. I don’t skimp on details. Everything that needs to be said is said. Or is it? You’ll have to read between the lines to find out.

[Image: carl.jpg]

Carl doesn't want to sell these or upload it. He'll give it away to anyone who participates or contributes. For instance, he has an event at the Irreverent Bookworm February 4th. You just show up and ask him for "More Words Than You Can Shake a Stick At." It's a delightful read.

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  Study in E Minor - YT Audio
Posted by: Cindy M - 01-14-2020, 01:37 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - No Replies

Almost done with the There Is A Breeze demos.

Study In E Minor


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  The Number and the Name
Posted by: Cindy M - 01-13-2020, 02:02 AM - Forum: MJ YouTube - No Replies

Another of the There Is A Breeze demos. 1972 or 1973


Written by Steve Gillette

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  My Opening Farewell, YT audio
Posted by: Cindy M - 01-11-2020, 01:49 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - No Replies

Another There Is A Breeze demo. Hope you like it.


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  Music backups
Posted by: Cindy M - 01-10-2020, 02:03 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - No Replies

I have CD copies and three hard drive back ups of all of Michael’s archives which includes the music, videos and photos. However I worried about what if there was a fire so I paid for a year’s cloud back which cost only less than $4 for 5 TB. Next year will be about $50, not too bad of a price. However, only about 2% gets backed up in a 24 hour period. So I’m only up to 40%. It would be nice to find a younger person to take this over in case something happened to me. Maybe someday his sons will want it.

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