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  How Can It Be?
Posted by: Iowafemale - 07-25-2019, 09:11 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - No Replies

How can it be two years?  It seems like forever actually.  I find myself today at the Mayo Clinic, ironically the last place I heard Michael sing when he was using oxygen.  We got done with appointments early morning that day and Michael's performance was during a late lunch hour.  I knew there was a lot to do at home, so I told my husband we didn't have to stay if he was in a hurry to get home.  My husband saw Michael walking around pulling his little tank and said he thought I might want to stay, not knowing when Michael would be performing close again.  I am so happy we made that choice.  I am grateful for those of us who Michael brought together...getting to know Cindy has been a gift.  She has worked her tail off for all of us.  I woke up this morning humming "Kiss Me Goodbye" and it caused a flow of tears.  I guess it's message needed to be brought to my attention, for we do not know when our last time with someone will be.  Be well.

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Heart Two Years...
Posted by: NewYorkMJFan - 07-25-2019, 06:44 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - No Replies

Dear Cindy,

A MILLION THANK YOUS to you for creating this "unofficial" website.  It really helps to soften the pain of Michael being gone.  (Can he be gone two years already?  It's just not possible...) 

What a labor of love that you have preserved his music and promulgated so many of his unpublished songs and photos.

Since I only heard of MJ's music in 1988,  I missed out on SO MUCH  of the early music that all you wonderful Minnesota folks got to enjoy!  Thanks to Cindy, I have a LOT of catching up to do!

Michael's music brought joy to my life when there was none.  I will always be grateful for his talent, and for Cindy for continuing this website.


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  Remembering and being thankful....
Posted by: retnavycpo - 07-25-2019, 01:48 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (2)

On this two year anniversary of Michael's passing, I simply wanted to say how thankful I am for Michael's wonderful music.  His voice was like no other.  His guitar playing was nothing short of magical.  Not a week goes by that I don't listen to his singing, and I watch the wonderful youtube videos that Cindy uploads to Youtube (thank you Cindy!).  

I am sad today, but so grateful to have lived to experience meeting and listening to Michael perform in person.  So memorable.  Peter

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Photo Trading cards
Posted by: Iowafemale - 07-25-2019, 12:52 AM - Forum: Michael Discussion - No Replies

Who has seen Michael's CMA Country Gold trading card?  I bought a bunch of them in an e-bay auction.  I am offering one free to anyone who makes a donation to keep the website going.  Any donation at all.  Cindy is doing this all out of her own pocket and I know none of us want to lose the website.  Please consider a small donation and you'll get a free card.

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  In Concert 1989 - YouTube Audio & Video
Posted by: Cindy M - 07-22-2019, 04:23 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - Replies (9)

Michael Johnson - In Concert, Rockford IL, December 16, 1989


Audio was recorded among audience so it's pretty poor but the guitarists will appreciate seeing his guitar fingering.

This is the only video I have of Michael performing Dreaming Sweet Dreams, Mr. Arthur's Place, Ghosts, Family Tie, Martha and OB Glad!

Songs: Upon a Christmas Eve (Prestwood), Drops of Water (LaBounty/Freeland), The Moon is Still Over Her Shoulder (Prestwood), Jacques Cousteau (Paley/Bertrand), Catch Another Butterfly (Michael Williams), Roller Coaster Run (Prestwood), You'll Always be Heart and Soul to Me (Pat Alger), It's My Job (Mac McAnally), Worth the Trouble (Prestwood), Circle of Fifths (Raun MacKinnon), Ghost In This House (Prestwood), Nothing Sweeter than Sin (Gene Nelson), Ain't Dis Da Life (Mike Smith), Family Tie (Prestwood), That's That (Prestwood), I Will Whisper Your Name (Randy Van Warmer), Life's a Bitch (Schuyler/Knobloch), Diamond Dreams (Parker McGee/Bud Harner), Martha (Prestwood), Ghosts (Randy Newman), See You Soon (Paul Johnson), The Last One Singing the Blues (Peter McCann), Mr. Arthur's Place (Thom Bishop), Garbage Can (Ted Anderson), Give Me Wings (Fleming/Schlitz), Dreaming Sweet Dreams (Prestwood), O.B. Glad (Johnson/Henley)

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  Simple Gifts - YouTube audio
Posted by: Cindy M - 07-20-2019, 01:14 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - No Replies

Simple Gifts c. 1973 AKA 'Tis a Gift to Be Simple


Songwriter: Joseph Brackett, Jr.
Demo for 2nd album (For All You Mad Musicians)
This was a tape recorded for drummer Gary Gauger. When I spoke with Gary last year, he said he never heard it. MJ gave this to me back in the 70's. Recorded "On top of this mountain just above Salt Lake City."
Song 6 of 6. Guessing on year.

He sang this in concert in 1970. Maybe learning it from Judy Collins 1970 Wildflowers album but his lyrics are different than hers and the other standard covers.

[Image: 9427.jpg]

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  Cain's Blood demo - YouTube audio
Posted by: Cindy M - 07-19-2019, 02:56 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - No Replies

Michael Johnson - Cain't Blood 1973


Songwriter: Michael Johnson
Demo for 2nd album (For All You Mad Musicians)
This was a tape recorded for drummer Gary Gauger. When I spoke with Gary last year, he said he never heard it. MJ gave this to me back in the 70's. Contains a lot of crickets and a motorcycle. Recorded "On top of this mountain just above Salt Lake City."
Song 5 of 6. Guessing on year.

[Image: 9427.jpg]

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  Faithful 1973 - YouTube audio
Posted by: Cindy M - 07-18-2019, 01:06 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - No Replies

Michael Johnson - Faithful 1973 (AKA Lovin' You & Leaving' You...)


Songwriter: Eric Andersen
Demo for 2nd album (For All You Mad Musicians)
This was a tape recorded for drummer Gary Gauger. When I spoke with Gary last year, he said he never heard it. MJ gave this to me back in the 70's. Contains a lot of crickets and a motorcycle. Recorded "On top of this mountain just above Salt Lake City."
Song 4 of 6. Guessing on year.

Personal note: Michael didn't much of a CD collection at the end. As I was going through all of his media to take home, I came across Eric Andersen's Blue River (1972). He urged me to take it but I said I already had it. I've loved it since I was in high school. Highly recommended. That got me thinking he also really wanted me to take his 8-tracks of The MJ Album and Dialogue, which I had given to him many years before but I said no. I regret that now, would have been a nice addition to the future memorabilia page. I know he thought no one would want them after he died and he was right. I so regret not taking them. I originally had two of the MJ Album. When I found one in mint condition, I gave him that one and gave me the other. When I when through a purging phase 8 or 9 years ago, I'm pretty sure I threw it away. But maybe it's with that Jacques Brel playbill. I would love for all the things I think I threw away to turn up. I see there's an 8-track on eBay for $20+$8 shipping. Beyond my budget right now.

[Image: 9427.jpg]

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  Motherlode 1973 - YouTube audio
Posted by: Cindy M - 07-17-2019, 04:23 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - Replies (1)

Michael Johnson - Motherlode c. 1973

Songwriter: Richard Pinney (Dick) - Also the songwriter of other other MJ covers: Walk Me Round Your Garden, She's My School, Bad Roads in Spring, No One Can Hurt You Like a Friend (according to MJ, denied by RP)


Demo for 2nd album (For All You Mad Musicians)
This was a tape recorded for drummer Gary Gauger. When I spoke with Gary last year, he said he never heard it. 

MJ gave this to me back in the 70's. So I've had it for quite awhile but listening to it today to check the lyrics to include with the YouTube video, since he changed them frequently, I was awed by his vocals and guitar.

Recorded "On top of this mountain just above Salt Lake City."

Song 3 of 6. Guessing on year.

[Image: 9427.jpg]

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  The Glory demo - YouTube audio
Posted by: Cindy M - 07-16-2019, 01:44 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - No Replies

Michael Johnson - The Glory


Michael Johnson - The Glory c. 1973
Songwriter: Crow (Amy) Johnson

Demo for 2nd album (For All You Mad Musicians)
This was a tape recorded for drummer Gary Gauger with MJ's commentary before and after the song. When I spoke with Gary last year, he said he never heard it. MJ gave this to me back in the 70's. Contains a lot of crickets and a motorcycle. Recorded "On top of this mountain just above Salt Lake City."

Song 2 of 6. Guessing on year.

[Image: 9427.jpg]

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