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  The Nashville Now 1987 video....
Posted by: retnavycpo - 06-22-2019, 08:04 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - No Replies

I thoroughly enjoyed watching the 1987 Nashville Now video!  I am not a big fan of country western music, but watching/listening to Michael singing "What Your Love Does To Me" was so awesome!  I have the "Wings" cd, but hadn't listened to it in a long time, and forgot that song was even on it.  So, so great, watching him play that guitar with such unmatched talent.  And his voice?  There is, and never be anyone like Michael again.  Wonderful musician and singer.  I miss being able to talk to him.  Thank you Cindy.  Peter

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  MJ Album & Dialogue on iTunes
Posted by: Cindy M - 06-22-2019, 01:05 AM - Forum: Michael Discussion - No Replies

Pat M. emailed to let me know The Michael Johnson Album and Dialogue are now available on iTunes!

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  Nashville Now TV - YouTube
Posted by: Cindy M - 06-22-2019, 01:04 AM - Forum: MJ YouTube - No Replies

Michael Johnson - Nashville Now 8/20/1987
Songs: That's What Your Love Does to Me (Chick Rains, Bill Caswell), The Moon is Still Over Her Shoulder (Hugh Prestwood), Give Me Wings (Rhonda Fleming, Don Schlitz)

MJ's note on the tape: "white glove/good hair"


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  MJ Promo Kits
Posted by: Cindy M - 06-19-2019, 04:27 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (2)

I have these 1998 promo kits of Michael's I used to send out for him back when I was his unpaid secretary.  Wink 

And I'm ready to offer them in the online store. They're a bit elaborate and include an 8x10 glossy and a Then & Now CD, though I'd substitute Departure upon request. I'd like suggestions of what the price should be.

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  MJ + MN symphony orchestra
Posted by: pob - 06-18-2019, 09:51 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (2)

In June 2000 MJ did a concert with the MN symphony orchestra.  I'm very curious how this played out. Do you have any video or audio of this event? Not sure how a symphony wouldn't overwhelm 1 guy and his guitar but I'd love this!

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  1995 TV show - YouTube
Posted by: Cindy M - 06-16-2019, 01:59 AM - Forum: MJ YouTube - Replies (2)

Michael Johnson - Music City Tonight 1995
Songs: She's Real (W. T. Davidson)
One Mile Apart, duet with Karen-Taylor Good (Lisa Aschmann, Michael Johnson, Karen Taylor-Good)


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  CDs, Songbooks and a MJ shirt
Posted by: Cindy M - 06-11-2019, 08:19 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (1)

Plenty of used, out of print CDs on the https://mjblue.com/mjcd.html store. Home Free, Wings, That's That & more. A couple songbooks and one T-Shirt so generously donated by GP.

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  Abundance YT Audio
Posted by: Cindy M - 06-11-2019, 06:42 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - No Replies

Another gem from the 1975 Guthrie concert. Would have been a much better recording than this 1970 slightly distorted version I have to share with you.

[Image: abundance.jpg]

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  22 years of mjblue.com?
Posted by: jmarlowe.g@gmail.com - 06-11-2019, 01:18 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (1)

Cindy, congratulations on running the website for 22 years I think, as of yesterday!

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  My encounter with Michael Johnson...
Posted by: JBlast - 06-09-2019, 10:08 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (1)

Thank you for the add to this forum...
I had just seen recently of Michael's passing and was saddened to hear that he was gone. I found this forum and wanted to share an experience I had meeting Michael Johnson.
In 1987, I was fortunate enough to meet Michael and hear him do some short acoustic sets in a small lounge in Watertown, SD.
My band was playing at a motel lounge in Watertown, SD, sometime in late fall of 1987.
We were about to start our show when this man came up and asked if he could take the stage and play some acoustic sets during our breaks. We were a bit skeptical because we had no idea who this guy was. He then said his name was Michael Johnson and that he was the writer/performer of the song, "Bluer Than Blue", among others. We were all fairly young in '87, but we'd all heard this song on the radio in the past. Apparently he had produced some kind of proof of his identity to our lead singer, so we agreed to let him play. I'm so glad we did! At one point, he played "Bluer Than Blue" and that definitely was proof of who he was!
I didn't get to have a long, in depth conversation with him, but did find out his being there when we were was by pure chance. He just happened to be traveling to his home in Minnesota and chose to stay at the motel who's lounge we were playing in and thought he'd ask if he could do some songs to pass the evening.
I did get to talk to him long enough to know that he was a really nice, laid back guy.
It is an experience, although I don't remember every detail, I will never forget who he was and that we were fortunate to be able to share a stage with him for a night.
Thank you, Michael, for the experience. May you rest in peace as you sit in and play the great gig in the sky...

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