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07-11-2024, 06:15 PM
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05-27-2024, 07:50 AM
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  Need Ideas for Website Heading!
Posted by: Cindy M - 12-11-2018, 07:53 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (2)

Right now I have "Share & Misc" for the following sections:

New Forum  (which I'll change to Message Board)

Board Archives (original board posts 2002-2018)
Miscellany (Everything Else)
Your MJ Stories
Guest Book (which I think I should change to Guestbook Archives)

I had this section named Mélange originally - which means a mixture, a medley. I don't know if this word is widely known (I certainly hadn't heard of it.) So then I changed it to Share & Misc. Maybe Forum & Misc? I'd appreciate any suggestions. Michael would have been my go to for this.

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Photo YouTube: Study No. 5 in B Minor
Posted by: Cindy M - 12-09-2018, 11:30 PM - Forum: mjblue.com Updates - Replies (1)

Classical piece by Fernando Sor
March 1967 demo


I listened to this on repeat during a long, slow, white knuckle, snowy commute a couple weeks ago.


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Posted by: Cindy M - 12-09-2018, 08:43 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - No Replies

Please let me know if there's something you don't like about this new board. A lot of customization is doable.


Michael's initial message in 2000 on our first board:

Mj      22 Mar 2000, 5:38 pm

Welcome to the Mj Message Board. I thought I'd post the first entry. Our website has gone through a major overhaul, and this message board is a new feature. We're hoping you like it. I'll be putting in my 2 cents from time to time. Thanks for listening, reading and visiting. Mj


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