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Breakfast Again
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07-12-2024, 12:44 PM
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Forum: Michael Discussion
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07-11-2024, 06:15 PM
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photo of travel boxes
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07-11-2024, 06:00 PM
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Feb 1966 concert - audio ...
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05-27-2024, 07:50 AM
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  Message Board Archives
Posted by: Cindy M - 12-31-2018, 06:02 PM - Forum: mjblue.com Updates - Replies (4)

Hello all,
I'm still working on the message board archives - putting the messages in the proper order. https://www.mjblue.com/mjboardarchives.html

Still paying a programmer to write a search script. It's taking longer than I thought Cry

I've updated all the pages to reflect the original heading MJ wrote (A chance for visitors to share thoughts, along with some chiming in from MJ) with the school photo of Michael with his comment about it (Obviously I dressed myself that day).

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  You Belong to Me/I Got Nothing to Do
Posted by: Cindy M - 12-31-2018, 03:34 PM - Forum: mjblue.com Updates - No Replies

YouTube Concert audio 

Played on his Hoffman steel string guitar
He introduces the band in his intro, which are the names of his three guitars

O’Shaughnessy Auditorium, St. Paul MN

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  Back in the Lone Ranger Days on YouTube
Posted by: Cindy M - 12-26-2018, 01:36 PM - Forum: mjblue.com Updates - No Replies

Back in the Lone Ranger Days on YouTube

Orchestra Hall 1989

Written by Janis Ian


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  a Music request and a story
Posted by: hjgir - 12-23-2018, 10:22 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (3)

Hi Cindy

The Album I do not have is Lifetime Guarantee (1983).  If it is possible could that Album be attached as downloadable MP3 files

Also I attached the picture I had in a file of Michael at the Guthrie in MN and you are in that 1975 photo. 

I  have the rest of Michaels discograph except that one album. 

In the early 90s I purchased a new Yamaha CD recorder which was new and expensive at the time.  I transferred my old, but like new LPs to CDs and then I could play the songs on my computer and iPods.  Transferring digital music is a lot easier now than it was then, so I now have all the old LPs digitally and when Michael began "cutting" CDs, I'd buy them on Amazon so that I could "own them" and not just have them as MP3s. 

 I was doing a lot of research with Honeywell in MN for my job with the U.S. Army in the 90s and a friend who worked for Honeywell, knew I was a HUGE MJ fan had, unbeknownst to me,  purchased tickets to see Michael at Orchestra Hall on Nicollet Ave. Minneapolis, MN. That was December 26, 1994. (My friend told me who we were seeing as we were heading to the  hall.  It was the first time seeing Michael even though I had every recording he made since "there is a breeze"  it was so GREAT. 

Then every time Michael came east, I was at the concerts. 

That's my story

Medford, MA 02155

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  New Boots - YouTube Audio
Posted by: Cindy M - 12-21-2018, 11:40 PM - Forum: mjblue.com Updates - Replies (1)


A Christmas song for you, written by Mark Henley who released it as a single on MJ's Sanskrit label in 1977. MJ sang this on the radio in 1974. A great version, an okay recording.

I'll try to put audio files at https://www.mjblue.com/songs from now on. In AAC (m4a) format.


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  Late night, just thinking about Michael....
Posted by: retnavycpo - 12-21-2018, 05:42 AM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (1)

So often, I think about Michael, and it's still so strange to realize that he is no longer with us.  His music, thank God, will always endure.  It is truly a big part of my life.  MJs  wonderful music gets me through very sad times, and is there to help me celebrate what few happy occasions I experience.  I miss him so much.  Peter

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  New Song Sheets
Posted by: Cindy M - 12-20-2018, 01:41 PM - Forum: mjblue.com Updates - No Replies

Paul Ashley has contributed another song sheet to the site: Ghost in this House


Dale Dickson has contributed his first:
Upon a Christmas Eve

They all can be found on the Lyrics & Chords page at https://www.mjblue.com/mjlyrics.html

Thanks, Dale & Paul!

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  Spammers and registering
Posted by: Cindy M - 12-17-2018, 01:55 PM - Forum: mjblue.com Updates - No Replies

I've got a couple people who started registering but never finished. One is obviously a spammer but I'm not sure about the other.

To finish registering, all you have to do is click on the link on the confirming email you receive. If you have any problems, let me know. (The contact form is on the bottom of every page except this message board.)


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  New Post Notifications
Posted by: Cindy M - 12-15-2018, 04:02 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (1)

This new message board has every feature and setting known to man EXCEPT: I do not get notifications of new postings. The first posting on this board besides mine was a spammer who took the time to register.

I'll have to try and get in the habit of checking this board every day to look for new posts and delete any spams.

So if your post isn't answered right away, you'll know why. Be sure to check the "Subscribe and receive email notification of new replies" when you post.

I miss the old board. Angry

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  mjblue.com Site Security
Posted by: Cindy M - 12-13-2018, 02:53 PM - Forum: mjblue.com Updates - No Replies

All of mjblue.com is now secure! So registering for this message board is now safe and encrypted. (Notice the https on all URLs.)

Many thanks to DD for the suggestion.


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