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  New youtube full concert video
Posted by: Cindy M - 03-03-2019, 06:50 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - Replies (1)

Michael Johnson in Concert
Memorial Hall, Rockford, IL 3/21/1998
San Diego Serenade (Tom Waits), It's My Job, Bristlecone Pine, Dirty Hands, Dirty Faces, Why It Kills Us to Compromise, Mona Ray, Nothing Sweeter than Sin, Roller Coaster Run, You'll Always be Heart and Soul to Me, Better Brother, Garbage Can, Empty Hearts, Miami Beach, Circle of Fifths, If I Fell From Grace With You, Company Man


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  New Tablature and a Your MJ Story and available Out of Print CDs
Posted by: Cindy M - 02-23-2019, 01:16 PM - Forum: mjblue.com Updates - Replies (1)


We have new tablature from Dale: Dirty Hands, Dirty Faces. As always, you can find it on the Lyrics & Chords page.

I have put my collection of out of print CDs on the Online Store. Included is a signed Back to Back and a Keepers Live which contains Bristlecone Pine. Just in case you're missing anything from your MJ collection.

Lastly, an addition to Your MJ Stories from Peter Casella remembering his 1979 interview which reflects Michael's humble personality.

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  New YouTube audio: Motherlode
Posted by: Cindy M - 02-20-2019, 09:11 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - Replies (2)


Michael Johnson, Mark Henley & Mary MacGregor
Motherlode 1976
Written by Richard Pinney

A demo tape made by the them with one MJ solo.

From: https://www.mjblue.com/bletters.html
Sanskrit has bought the first album from Atco and will be re-releasing it March 1, and in the meantime Johnson is working on new material for a third album. During the breather before returning to the concert trail in March, he was working with entertainer Mark Henley, his next door neighbor, and singer Mary MacGregor, who also are charges of Projects IV, on a three-person act. They wanted to explore their group potential. But earlier this month after playing an opening date at Charlotte's Web in Rockford, Ill., they decided the trio wasn't clicking and will continue their individual careers.

The complete list is:  (4 more to put up on YouTube.)

Piney Wood Hill (Buffy Sainte-Marie) https://youtu.be/Pk62KqaD4uY
Everyone Tuesday (Mark Henley) https://youtu.be/-2xn7DYZlAg
Bad Roads in Spring (Richard Pinney) https://youtu.be/s5L41Rf9xMw
If I Could Only Win Your Love (Emmylou Harris)
Motherlode (Richard Pinney) https://youtu.be/EIaLvX8w-VA
The Time to Live (Buzzy Linhart)
Give Me Time (Ted Sherman)
Daddy Was A Mover (Mitchell F Jayne, Rodney Dillard) https://youtu.be/bOSgRfW0buY
He Gives Us All His Love (Randy Newman)
I Will (Lennon & McCartney) https://youtu.be/DM8jDB3Rw_Y

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  New Youtube: Honey Wind Blows video
Posted by: Cindy M - 02-12-2019, 06:02 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - Replies (2)

I love this song. It was the first song I ever recorded at a MJ 1974 concert on a hand held recorder. I have a recording of him performing it at the Tangerine Room in Denver in 1966. This video is from 1996 so he continued to perform it once a decade or so.  Smile He did it so beautifully.


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  Ugly Woman - new Youtube demo 1970
Posted by: Cindy M - 02-10-2019, 06:12 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - Replies (1)

Michael Johnson - Ugly Woman c. 1970 demo


I can't make the last two words. Help?

On a reel to reel tape with a 1970 concert and 4 other demos
The last recording I have of him performing this in concert was in 1972.
aka "Gonna Go Out and Find An Ugly Woman to Love"
Written by James Ford, recorded by James Reed
Ain't gonna drink no more tobacco
Aiin't gonna smoke no more moonshine
Ain’t gonna talk about pretty women
Ain't gonna bother now to waste my time
Ain't gonna drink no more black coffee
Thinkin' about her till the broad daylight
I'm gonna go out and find an ugly woman to love

I'm gonna go get on my walkin' shoes
And walk on down the avenue
I'm gonna keep on walkin' till I find an ugly woman to love
I don't care if she's short, don't care if she's fat
Good to me and that's where it's at
I'm gonna go and find an ugly woman to love

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  Oklahoma tablature
Posted by: Cindy M - 02-10-2019, 12:50 AM - Forum: mjblue.com Updates - No Replies

Dale Dickson has provided us with Oklahoma Stray tablature. It's been added to the lyrics & chords page.

Thanks, Dale!


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  New "Some People's Lives" Concert Video YouTube
Posted by: Cindy M - 02-09-2019, 11:49 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - No Replies

Pat requested Some People's Lives. I've added a 1999 video. Sorry, it's very guitar heavy. (Is that the right phrase?) He includes a brief story about rooming with Steve Martin and Gary Muledeer. Don't miss the funny guitar stuff after the song.


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  Amazon Wish List / radio mention / Requests
Posted by: Cindy M - 02-08-2019, 05:06 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (5)

Hello all,

I have started a Amazon wish list for supplies I need to maintain Michale's website and organize his music media. I only have one item on there as of now. I thought I'd start this in case you thought any monetary donations would go to cat toys or high priced wine.  Tongue  Still unemployed so I'm thankful I cut out all wine a few months ago.


An old friend/former coworker messaged me the following a couple days ago:
Tonight on while in the car at about 5:55 pm radio station Love 105 was cueing up an MJ song and they mentioned the MJBlue website
This is a Twin Cities radio station and the song was "Almost Like Being in Love." Wonderful that his music is still being played and it made my day to hear about the website mention!

If I can find it (currently misplaced, hence my Amazon wishlist), I'm putting up a video later today which was a recent request. If anyone has specific video or song requests, please let me know.

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  1975 Amazingrace concert YouTube NEW
Posted by: Cindy M - 02-04-2019, 08:37 PM - Forum: MJ YouTube - No Replies

Yesterday I uploaded a MJ/Mark Henley concert downloaded last year from the Paste Magazine site which no longer has all these concerts. And they only had the songs listed but I was able to dig deep and find the in between intros. Yay! "Are My Thoughts with You" has always been a favorite of mine.

Amazingrace, Evanston IL, with Mark Henley 5/26/1975
Songs are:
Motherlode (Richard Pinney)
Mona Ray (Leo Kottke & Michael Johnson)
Wilson Girl (Michael Johnson, Ted Sherman & Mark Henley)
O.B. Glad (Mark Henley & Michael Johnson)
Are My Thoughts With You (Mickey Newberry)
Medley: Bye Baby Bunting (traditional)/Fathers and Sons (Carl Franzen) /Mother Nature's Son (Lennon & McCartney), 
Rooty Toot Toot for the Moon (Greg Brown) - unfortunately is cut off

Set 2: 
Mona Ray (Leo Kottke & Michael Johnson)
Sweet Substitute (Jelly Roll Morton)
What's Time to a Hog (Dean Webb & Mitchell F. Jayne)
Cain's Blood (Michael Johnson)
The Sunset Years (Mark Henley)
O.B. Glad (Mark Henley & Michael Johnson)
The Time to Live (Buzzy Linhart)
Don't You Go Under (Mark Henley)
Love and Sex (Tom Rapp)

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  The Piercing - Bluer than Blue - Updated
Posted by: Cindy M - 02-01-2019, 07:09 PM - Forum: Michael Discussion - Replies (2)

Michael singing "Bluer than Blue' is indeed in the Piercing, released today. I recorded the entire song portion with my phone, converted it and uploaded it here. Warning: this is a pretty graphic movie, same with this clip. Blood, sex, and look away when you see the rabbit. 


I don't know what Michael would have thought of this (the change in tempo), he was very protective of this song.

[Image: piercingcredits.jpg]

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